Who is Kaiser Eckhardt?

With a background in metal trades and manufacturing, it was only a matter of time before Kaiser combined his love of cars and motor bikes with metal art. Setting up a small workshop with “old school” equipment and a sprinkling of High Tech (plasma cutter) he started creating unique sculptures for friends and family. It wasn’t long before interest grew and sales followed. A loyal following of customers also finds Kaiser constructing special “one off” commissions. Because of the vast array of specially sourced and selected parts, each individual item has its’ own uniqueness. Kaiser is proud to promote that “no two items are ever exactly the same”. So rest assured that your “Kaiser Eckhardt” original is unique. Not only are Kaiser’s artworks good to look at, they are functional as well. From his various wall/desk clocks to lamps and even Helmet/Coat hangers you can enjoy the awesomeness on a daily basis.


How are they made?

Kaiser Eckhardt creations start with a basic vision, for example, a wall clock. From there he displays various parts on a flat surface and “Listens to the Universe” and starts to combine spanners, gears, pulleys, spark plugs, sprockets, steel bar / plate, screws, nuts, even pistons and brake calipers. As the design slowly takes shape, parts are screwed, welded and glued to get the desired effect. Many parts need to be modified to fit, so hand and power tools are used to fine tune the parts to create harmony. Depending on the item, some painting or clear coating may be applied. This is only used if he deems it necessary, as Kaiser states “Comes complete with oxidisation , corrosion and various forms of tarnish” to give it soul and character.


What equipment is used?

Some of Kaisers equipment includes…. A Modified wood-metal lathe, Arc and Mig welders, Angle grinders, cordless drill, Dremal grinder, drop saw, small bandsaw (to make wood templates) etc. One of Kaisers favorite pieces of equipment is his home made Plasma cutter copy machine. This machine combines the amazing cutting capabilities with the control of a pantograph/copy machine. When asked why he didn’t just buy a CNC plasma machine, he replied…..”I like the “hands on” control and feedback of my machine, it really gets the creative juices flowing. If I need to cut multiples of a particular part, I’ll make a wood template first, nice and easy. Sometimes, I’ll just move the stylus along a hand drawn design, making changes on the fly.” CNC machines have their purpose, but they are not for me at the moment.


Have you had any designs that were not up to your standard?

“I’m a big believer in the best successes are born from failures. Sometimes, things can be over engineered, so cutting back to the basics can get an item back on track. I’ll literally spend hours trying different combinations before getting hold of the welder and committing to a shape or design. I also like to “feel” the design, once I’m in the “zone”, things flow and come together quite easily. If I find something’s giving trouble, I’ll take it as a sign, perhaps now is the time to take a different direction. A good example is a recent Wall clock I made. I wanted to use a 5 point backing plate but wanted to have the 1-12 o’clock positions. 5 into 12 just won’t go! So I made my own 12 tooth gear, the size I wanted with my plasma cutter. Problem solved!”


What’s next for Kaiser Eckhardt

“More creations, chasing parts, researching designs/trends for inspiration. I get a lot of ideas from people attending my art exhibitions, so I’ll do more this year. When I get back from my tour of Norway, I’ll be embarking on some larger scale sculptures. You’ll have to be patient, more about those later.”


Any advice for customers looking at purchasing a Kaiser Eckhardt original?

“I always say, listen to how a particular item makes you feel. If you listen closely you will know if it is right for you. It should bring you joy and inspire you every time you look at it, if not, keep searching.     If you have an idea for a particular design, be sure to contact me using the form below, I’d be happy to discuss it.”



Kaiser Eckhardt design enquiry form

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