Our latest creation, "Rat Trap" the Metal Art Rat Rod Model by
Kaiser Eckhardt Art Works

Our latest creation, "Rat Trap" the Metal Art Rat Rod Model by
Kaiser Eckhardt Art Works

Click here for more details

"The Lamp of Destiny"
Light your way to awesomeness

with this totally unique table/desk lamp.

An inspirational piece to behold.
Can be used as a centre piece of your man cave or recreation area.
Custom made from specially sourced and assemble Motorcycle and
Automotive parts.
Lumination comes from LED’s contained in the upper chamber, glowing
a pleasant amber colour. On closer inspection there is also an ice blue downward
This is truly once in a life time art piece.
Are you ready to own The Lamp of Destiny?
Why live another second longer in mediocrity.
If you think you are ready for all it can conjure,
you must Buy now!

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